Sunday 29 September 2013

It's been a while...Dirtside, Battlefleet Gothic & Impetus

It's been a while since my last post so I thought I'd write a brief update on what's been going on in the geekosphere.

In the weeks leading up to my clubs summer break in August I painted some more 6mm sci fi forces. I also made some suitable sci fi scenery. Both were put to good use in late July as I played a very enjoyable game of Dirtside. A few pictures will follow in my next post.  

I spent the summer break painting some re-enforcements for my 15mm Seleucid army for Impetus. I now have 400 points. Since the club started again the Seleucids have taken to the field twice. In the first of these games I scored a victory against the Republican Romans but in the second I was soundly beaten by a Mauryan Indian force. Sadly I didn't get any pictures of these games. I have the miniatures to take the army up to 500 points. They are just waiting their turn on the work bench.

The next project I am about to start is Battlefleet Gothic. I bought the box set a long time ago but have only ever played the game once. I came across it in the loft and decided to have a look. Very quickly it captured my imagination. Some ebaying soon saw me in possession of two small fleets (Imperial and Chaos). I hope to get the models painted and a game played soon.