Monday 17 February 2014

Time to get back in the (gaming) saddle

After a quiet couple of months on the gaming and painting front it's time to get back to it. Recently I've only dug the paint brushes out for a couple of short sessions. I now plan to make a concerted effort to get some miniatures painted and some projects finished.

First up is Battlefleet Gothic. This is a spaceship combat game set in Games Workshop's Warhammer 40K universe.  I first got into BG many years ago but only really played it a couple of times. I bought the basic set but it remained unused for well over ten years. I recently decided to give it a go and bought two small fleets on ebay. The time has now come to get them painted and onto the table.

Imperial Dauntless light cruisers on the workbench (more like the work tea tray actually as I don't have the benefit of a dedicated painting station at the moment).

One of the Imperial Cruisers that came with the boxed set. I painted this model many years ago. I plan to use a similar colour scheme for the rest of the Imperial Fleet.

Other plans for the year include increasing my Successor army for Impetus to 500 points. I also intend to collect and paint an opposing force. This will allow me to experience commanding a different army and also enable me to host games. At the moment I'm leaning toward Mauryan Indian but I have not yet made a final decision.

I'm deliberately trying to keep my wargaming aims modest as I then have a better chance of success. In my late teens (my last period of serious wargaming before I got back into it a couple of years ago) I was too ambitious and too easily distracted. Grand schemes were started but then I would become frustrated by lack of progress and my mind, time and meagre budget would wander onto other things. Budget is no longer such an issue but time is a bit more constrained. I am determined that once I start a project I will eventually get it finished (i.e games played). Time will tell if I am successful.