Monday 29 October 2012

Man O War - Dwarf Fleet and the first battle!

After a good few hours with the paintbrush my newly acquired Dwarf ships were ready. This was a considerably quicker process than the Imperial ships due to the absence of masts and sails. Here are a few shots of the dwarf ships followed by a pic of the first game played down at my local club.

This was my first game of Man O War for over ten years. It was every bit as much fun as I remembered. I deliberately kept the fleets small whilst I got the hang of the rules again. I decided on 800 points a side (a 'normal' sized game would be 1000+). The use of smaller fleets allowed us to fit in two games. I umpired the first and played in the second. They rather neatly resulted in a victory apiece for the Dwarfs and the Empire. I should point out I was on the losing Empire side in the second game!

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