Monday 17 December 2012

6mm sci fi - a Dirtside2 battle

This weekend saw my second game of dirtside since getting back into wargaming. I umpired whilst two friends from my local club took command of the opposing forces.

The scenario was a pretty straight forward attack - defend affair. The game was set in central Europe. One side, deemed to be Polish were tasked with taking a village held by Soviet troops. The two forces were kept small whilst we all got use to the rules (this was only my second game in ten years and both players were new to the system). To add some interest to the plot it was decided that the attacking forces lacked motivation and thus their starting morale levels were determined at random. To compensate for this they had the technological edge.

The game went well. An early Soviet airstrike proved very effective and wiped out most of the Polish HQ section. There were also some fierce light armour battles. The attackers were able to air drop some light walkers into the enemies rear area and they became involved in some heavy fighting with a Soviet infantry platoon.

As is often the case time ran out before a definite conclusion had been reached. This was partly due to our inexperience with the rules and games should move faster in future. The village remained in Soviet hands but the Poles were poised to launch a large infantry assault. The Umpire's official verdict was a draw (although I did say the players were free to argue about the result amongst themselves...). Most importantly everyone had fun.

The remains of the Polish HQ section shelter behind a wood following a Soviet airstrike.

Soviet forces deployed in and around the village.
Some of the Polish grav tanks make a dash across open ground.

Soviet MBT's in position on a hedge lined road.  The HQ unit sits just behind the road.

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