Saturday 1 June 2013

Seleucid Progress Report

Progress on my 15mm Seleucid army for Impetus has been a bit slower than I had hoped. Recently however the pace has picked up and I seem to have made some decent headway. In order to give me that extra motivation I have organised a game for late June. I have until then to paint and base enough troops to field a 300 point army. I have already worked out an army list so I know what I need. Below are a few pictures of the units I have painted so far. As you can see they are not properly based yet. All miniatures are by Essex, the bases are from Warbases.

Two units of Phalangites

City Militia light cavalry

Two units of Slingers

Thracian Peltasts

Galatian Archers

Two more Phalangite units. The rear unit are of the Eastern kind, hence the trousers

Closer view of the Phalangites

Units nearing completion include Cataphracts and Scythed Chariots. I hope to post some pictures of the completed army before it's first battle.

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